Optimizing Amazon Product Variations through Effective Amazon PPC Services


Amazon is a crowded marketplace with millions of product options. It is becoming extremely difficult for advertisers to devise a smart marketing strategy that separates them from the crowd. Advertising product variations can be a solution for advertisers in this regard.

What is Product Variation?

Similar products presenting slightly different features, such as size, color, or flavor, are called product variations. In other words, a vendor sells multiple items considered variations of a single product. For such items, Amazon allows you to create a grouped listing that showcases all the product variations on one product page.

For example, let’s say you are selling kids’ sippy cups in four different colors: blue, red, yellow, and orange. You can create a single group for all these variations under the name “Sippy Cups for Toddlers.” Depending on the product variants, you can create variations based on different attributes, such as size, color, flavor, smell, etc.

Why Segregating Products According To Their Variations Is Important?

Amazon is a vast platform with a great many options. Like a skilled salesperson, after the potential customer’s attention, the seller would want to show them all the relevant product options instantly to help the customer make an informed purchase decision.

Amazon product variations let buyers know that they can get the same product with different attributes. Product variations make it easier for the seller to showcase all their offerings in one place. And also makes it easy for buyers to make an informed decision.

How to Advertise Product Variations Using Amazon PPC Services?

To effectively market the product variations and drive traffic to the product pages we have categorized PPC marketing into 4 types:

  1. Campaign for high-search volume keywords
  2. Campaign for super-relevant long-tail keywords
  3. Auto campaigns for the phrase and broad match keywords
  4. Campaign for ASINs of different variations

Let’s discuss each of them in detail:

1.  Campaign for high-search volume keywords:

To run a campaign on high-search volume keywords, firstly, we need to identify the main keywords against the product variation, which are seizing the top spots. To do so, take advantage of brand analytics and review shared data of the competitors.

The high-performing keywords’ brand analytics data lets us know the top revenue-generating ASINs. Further, jot the data down to the top-performing variation ASINs that are ranked on top. For instance, the blue sippy cup is generating more sales than other colors.

Brand analytics data, revenue, and review share data enable sellers to pick one high-performing variation and focus all the ranking efforts on that one variation with the help of high-search volume keywords.

2.  Campaign for super-relevant long-tail keywords:

In type one, we targeted the high-search volume keywords derived from brand analytics and reviewed shared data. In such campaigns, only one SKU is involved. However, in this second type of campaign, the advertisers run separate campaigns for each variation. For which the advertiser will find variation-specific keywords. For example, the seller will have a separate campaign for blue Sippy cups and another for pink Sippy cups.

3.  Auto campaigns for the phrase and broad match keywords:

According to my experience, this particular type of campaign has worked wonders for the product variations PPC. We have generated great profit for several of our customers using this technique. For this campaign, the marketers use auto-phrase and broad-match keywords by targeting all the SKU variations.

Broad match keywords feed a great amount of data to the amazon algorithm, enabling the search engine to capitalize on the profitable keywords to deliver better ACOS (Advertising cost of sales).

In this specific type of campaign, the advertiser targets all the SKU variations together to drive better sales through improved visibility.

4.  Campaign for ASINs of different variations:

The fourth type of campaign involved ASIN targeting. To run this campaign, the marketers fetch all the ASINs related to a specific variation and create a campaign for their particular ASIN against competitors’ SKUs.

For instance, Red Sippy Cups ASIN will be running against competitors’ Red sippy Cup SKUs.

When There Is a Great Number of Variations?

You must be wondering what one will do when there is a great number of variations, let’s say 10 variations of a single product. For this, the best approach is to implement the loss leader concept.

A high-performing variation is a leader, and the rest are the followers that benefit from the traffic coming to the best-performing variation. The best practice is to find the best-converting variation, leverage brand analytics, and review shared data.

After finding the best-converting variation, set a low price for this particular variation compared to your competition. This practice will provide you with a competitive edge and help you in gaining a significant chunk of traffic.

However, you can increase the prices for other variations to compensate for the compromised profit margin on the best-converting variation. This practice has helped several sellers to maintain their ACoS, increase their profit margins, and gain quality reviews.

Wrapping Up

You can grow your business by using product variations in Amazon listings. Strategically selecting your themes and smartly allocating the variations can help draw in clients and deter them from choosing your rivals.

You may increase sales, conversion, and visibility by offering different product options. So, are you prepared to modify your Amazon listing?

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